jeudi 3 mai 2007

What is a release?

Creator: Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources

Description: Give a definition of the right of publicity, his context, the law in United States. The right of publicity grew out of the general principles of invasion of privacy that prohibited the appropriation of a person's name or likeness to gain some benefit.

Publisher: Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources

Date: 2003

Type: Text

Format: html


Language: English

Coverage: United States

Rights: Copyright NOLO

Star power: Celebrities have a legal right to prevent the commercial use of their images without permission. But are they silencing artists and satiri

Creator: BENNET, Drake

Description: the right of publicity is not the right to be famous, it's the right to control-and profit from-the commercial uses of one's persona. According to Mark Lee, a lawyer who has represented clients like Tiger Woods, Barbra Streisand, and Sylvester Stallone in right-of-publicity and other intellectual property cases, the right of publicity is essentially a protection against ``other people making money off of you without your permission."

Publisher: Boston Globe

Date: 2006-06-04

Type: Text

Format: html


Language: English (United States)

Coverage: United States

Rights: Boston Globe

Copyright news you can use: “Hey, That Publication Is Using a Photo of Me! The right of publicity explained

Creator: BERGER, Andrew

Description: The right of publicity protects each person, celebrity or not, and allows
each to control and profit from his or her identity. A majority of states recognize
publicity rights either by statute or through case law. California and some others
protect publicity rights even after a person’s death. This document gives us explanations about this concept in United States.

Publisher: Andrew Berger, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP

Date: 2005-06

Type: Text

Format: HTML


Language: English (United States)

Coverage: United States

Rights: Andrew Berger, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP

(B)log: false advertising and more

Creator: TUSHNET, Rebecca

Description: The author of the blog gives us everyday examples of cases involving problems of right of publicity/privacy.

Publisher: Blogspot

Date: Last post: 2007-03-30

Type: Text

Format: html


Language: English (United States)

Coverage: United States

Rights: TUSHNET, Rebecca

Institute of Global Law: French tort law

English database about french law cases related to rights of publicity. It’s interesting to discover how french and anglo saxion legislation are differents with the subject of the proctection of privacy.

Title: Institute of Global Law: French tort law

Creator: University College London, Faculty of Laws (Director: Dr. Jörg Fedtke)

Description: Resource for French Law materials in the fields of constitutional, administrative, contract and tort law. The English translations of legal decisions include cases from:

The Conseil d’Etat; the Cour de cassation; the Conseil constitutionnel

Publisher: University College London, Faculty of Laws

Date: 2005

Type: text

Format: HTML


Language: English (Great Britain)

Coverage: French and english students, lawyers, judges who wants informations about french legislation.

Rights: Copyright: University College London

jeudi 29 mars 2007

Personality rights database

A wikispace created by students from the AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law based in Edinburgh. It contains abstracts of interesting cases related to “personality” rights and compares the jurisdictions in the world to find common points and differences. Interesting; have a look!

Title: The Personality Rights Database

Creator: AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law

Description: Presents the “personality rights” in different countries all over the world as France, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland… The aim is to study similarities and differents between the jurisdictions.

Publisher: Wikispace

Contributor: School of Law, University of Edinburgh

Date: last modified 2007-02-22

Type: Text

Format: HTML

Identifier: URL:

Language: English

Coverage: Scotland, United Kingdom,

Rights: AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law; University of Edinburgh

jeudi 15 mars 2007

Right of publicity: an overwiew

Title: Right of publicity: an overwiew

Creator: GROVE,Tyler

Subject: Lanham Act, invasion of privacy law, statutory law, trademark, USA.

Description: Presents a brief panorama of general constituents of the notion right of publicity. The Web page contents links related to other pages which present allied notions which could be interesting to have a larger vision of the aim. Furthermore, the user dispose of a large collection of sources.

Publisher: Wex / LII editor (Legal Information Institute. Cornell Law School)

Contributor: LAKS, Alexandra

Date: 2006-06-31

Type: text

Format: HTML

Source :

Language: English (USA)

Coverage: United States of America

Rights: LII Editor

jeudi 15 février 2007

Rights of publicity. A text by Carlson Analytics

Carlson Analytics. Rights of publicity. Carlson Analytics intellectual property (on line). September 2006, (page consulted the 02/15/2007), accessible on:

Dublin core metadata description

Title: rights of publicity

Creator: Carlson Analytics

Subject: USA, law; right of celebrity; right of personality; right of publicity

Description: Presents the right of publicity in United States of America, gives defines of concepts related to the rights of publicity and the American legislation. It also gives cases of personalities or firms which had problems with it and a selection of links and interesting documents about this subject

Publisher: Carlson analytics

Date: September 2006

Type: Text

Format: HTML

Identifier: URL:

Language: English (USA)

Coverage: United States of America

Rights: © Copyright Caslon Analytics

Extract:Personality Rights is an area of intellectual property that has gained most attention in the US for protection of pop culture idols such as Elvis Presley and that poses interesting challenges for internet publishing.”

jeudi 8 février 2007

An American law article

Right of publicity

By Lloyd L RICH

RICH, Lloyd L. Right of publicity. The publishing law center (on line). 2000, (page consultée le 30/11/2006), accessibilité:

Dublin Core Métadata description:

Title: Right of publicity

Creator: RICH, Lloyd L

Subject: American constitution, first amendment constitution, right of privacy, right of publicity.

Description: Presents the Right of Publicity in the United States. It gives a general definition in the introduction, the different cases which this right is valid and explains the first amendment protection.

Publisher: Publishing Law Center

Date: 2000

Type: Text

Format: html

Identifier: URL:

Language: English (US)

Coverage: United States

Rights: © Copyright 2000 Lloyd L. RICH

jeudi 1 février 2007



Definition/context: That body of law that protects the works created by writers, painters, photographers, performing artists, inventors and other persons who create intangible property.

French equivalent: tout droits réservés


Copyright notice

Definition/context: The words "Copyright ©2003 by Don R. Pember," for example, which indicate to a user that a work is copyrighted by the author or creator

French equivalent : notice de tout droits réservés


Intellectual Property

Definition/context: property that can be protected under federal law, including copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, and inventions. Such property would include novels, sound recordings, a new type of mousetrap, or a cure for a disease.

French equivalent: droit de propriété intellectuelle


Invasion of privacy

Definition/context: A civil tort that emerged in the early 20th century and contains four distinct categories of legal wrongs: appropriation, intrusion, publication of private facts and false light

French equivalent : atteinte à la vie privée


Photography rules (USA)

Definition/context: (general) anyone may take photographs of whatever they want when they are in a public place or places where the have permission to take photographs. Absent a specific prohibition such as statue and ordinance, you are legally entitled to take photographs.

French equivalent : Règlement de la photographie


Right of privacy

Definition/context: Right of a person to be free from intrusion into matters of a personal nature. Privacy is a right not to have one's intimate life and affairs exposed to public view or otherwise invaded. Less broad protections of privacy are afforded public officials and others defined by law as “public figures”

French equivalent: droit au domaine privé


Right of privacy: personal autonomy

Definition/context: this right only protects privacy of family, marriage, motherhood, procreation, and child rearing for example, abortion.

French equivalent: droit au domaine privé
